25 self-care ideas for busy Moms:

Self-Care for moms

Mothers:  Don’t forget to take the children to school, pick up the groceries, schedule appointments, walk the the dog, clean the house, and make dinner without losing your insanity. Sounds familiar? This is all too familiar for many of us women. It is a lot of work, but a job that many hold dear to their heart. Mothers are sometimes looked at as the glue of the family in which holds it together. Too often though, this job does wear us down from time to time. Sometimes as mothers, we may want to cry, feel frustrated, become irritable, laugh, feel lonely, and put ourselves last. But you know what? That is perfectly okay. Motherhood is whole world wind of emotions. But what is not okay, is not taking care of yourself mentally. 

Many women might say, “If I don’t get my obligations done, no one will do them” or “I don’t have time to relax.” There are numerous reasons as to why many will not choose to take a step-back and reflect on how they are truly feeling inside. One thing to keep in mind: Children notice everything. Children are literal sponges, you don’t need me to tell you that. They will notice something about you, if your feeling sad, lonely, upset and the list can go on. Keep in mind, if you are no taking care of yourself, they will notice. Also, if we as mothers don’t take care of ourselves mentally or physically, this could have a negative impact  on the others around us. This is because if we neglect ourselves, it is difficult to care for those around us. We as mothers, have to set the example.

Self-Care Tips:

1. Say no to mom-guilt – As mothers, we may have a sense of guilt when taking a little time for ourselves.  This is common because we may have numerous things running through our mind. For those who don’t know what mom-guilt is, it is a name given to mothers who feel a sense of guilt or shame when they don’t live up to their expectations in their role as a parent. Combat: Remind yourself that you are human. It is okay to wind down. We all need to rewind in life. No one is a robot. You are worthy of self-love and allowed to be able to breathe in your own skin.

2. Take a day of social media – Yes this can be difficult for many, but it is doable. It is healthy for the mind to reset and focus on the simple things in life instead of being glued to our phones. 

3. Set time for yourself – Yes this can difficult to do as we often have so much going on. But reminding to even set 10 minutes a day to focus on yourself can do the mind good. You can look at investing in yourself by buying a planner or typing set date and time on your phone. No matter what is going on at that specific time, you are only to focus on yourself.

4. Daily Affirmations – There are many great videos one can find on YouTube that you can watch in the morning as you get ready. It is a great way to start your day on a positive note. 

5. Journaling – This is one of the best ways you can get your thoughts out on paper. It is one of the best ways to help your mental health by relieving stress. Amazon has really nice looking ones with thousands to choose from. 

6. Meditate – Meditation can give you a sense of peace, calmness and balance. There are great YouTube videos that can help you with breathing and meditation. Grounding techniques can be found on YouTube as well. Ground helps by having someone focus on their breathing and being in the here and now. 

7. Create a gratitude list – Create a list of things to be grateful for. As mothers we know we are blessed, if there is something that you are thankful for? Write it down. 

8. Go window shopping – This might seem like a wild idea, but it really is not. Sometimes just casually walking through the stores you may find a blouse to wear if your planning a date night or a nice canvas you been looking to put on that empty wall in the room. Sometimes, just you may not have intentions of buying anything, but sitting down at the mall and watching people walk by. It is the simple things to remind you to life that matter.

9. Setting Boundaries – It is okay to say no. Sometimes you could plan on doing something and someone calls you and the plans are interrupted. It is important to have healthy boundaries as your time for yourself is just as important as anyone else. 

10. Make a library stop – The library is a great way to wind down. Of course, there are 1000s of books you can chose from to relax.

11. Make a brunch date – Go out on a brunch date with an old friend. A great way to rewind is to catch up on old times.

12. Making your favorite dish – Hit up your local grocery store and make your favorite dish or even a new dish you have never made before. There are countless YouTube videos with amazing how to tutorials on unique cuisines. 

13. Plan a vacation – One thing that is exciting to plan for the next family vacation. It is exciting to look up for the next place to take the kids to or just a night away with your husband and yourself. 

14. Go plant shopping – One way to keep the air cleaner in your home is to look at buying plants as they can boost your mood. 

15. Go for a bike ride – Lets face it ladies, nothing more relaxing than getting some fresh air. Take a bike ride and enjoy some vitamin C from the sun. 

16. Grab some crayons, and color Mandalas – Mandalas are relaxing geometric figures that a great stress reliever. There are thousands of styles that you can find online. Amazon has great ones you can purchase. 

17. Rearrange furniture – Have you ever rearranged furniture and felt a sense of relief at the end? Maybe weight that has been lifted off of your shoulders. For some, this could be healing, relaxing or even both. 

18. Know your triggers – It is very important to understand your warning signs. Too often, parents may run on autopilot. This runs the risks of burnout. Yes we have so much to do, but guess? Your responsibilities are not going to go away. Most likely they will be there tomorrow and the next day after. But understanding your triggers is important and recognize when to take a few minutes of a break. Remember we are not robots even though we feel like we are sometimes. 

19. Take a class – This is a perfect opportunity for self-care. You sign up yourself for that Zumba class you wanted or learn to cook a dish off of YouTube you always wanted to learn to do. There countless ways to do a course. 

20. Sleep – This one maybe difficult. One thing I will say is that I am grateful for my children. But one thing I do miss is taking a random nap during the day to re-energize. Yes I know your probably going to say, “I have no time for that.” But imagine how good that would feel just to close your eyes for a quick 20 minute shut eye. Or scheduled an hour to lay in the bed and close your eyes. Turn off your phone! If you can just recharge yourself. It could probably do wonders for your energy during the day. 

21. Get yourself ready – As moms we are constantly on the go. Try to get ready even when you are not going anywhere so you can feel better about yourself. It is very easy to stay in pj’s during the day if your a stay-at-home mom or even a working mom and too tired to get ready after a long day’s of work. Whatever is the case is for you, try to set some time aside and dedicate some “me time.”

22. Find a old hobby – Have you use to enjoy things when you were young but now have no time for it. I am talking about grabbing your favorite board game and play it with your kids. Or you can go rollerblading maybe like you use to as a child. Find an old hobby or even a new one. 

23. Go to the local spa – Yes! this can be super relaxing. The local spa that I have been to before actually has a mother special where they include a massage and a facial in one. Whatever the case maybe for you to relax, the spa is a great way to relieve some stress.

24. Support Group -There are many great support groups around the country that moms can connect with others. I actually use to go to one until I moved that was a support group for mothers with autistic children. It was relieve stressor for me and made feel supported and reminded me that I am not alone. 

25. Play your favorite song and sing/dance – Whether this is in your car or in the kitchen, just do it! Nothing is better than truly feeling like your the one that is singing the song. Just have fun. Life is short! 

Disclaimer: These are tips that some may find helpful. Remember: What works for one may not work for another. I do mention Amazon a lot as you can see where I shop sometimes and found great deals. I do also mention YouTube as there are thousandths of different videos that many can find useful. 

Questions, now ask your self? What kind of self-care tips helps you get through a rough or busy day? Why is it helpful? 

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