Author: Jessica Castro

  • Are you a default parent?

    Are you a default parent?

    What exactly is a default parent? Are you the parent that usually schedules all the kids appointments, help them with their homework, do all the child-related tasks or home-related tasks? If so, you might be the default parent. Assuming in a two parent household, the default parent is the one that carries the bigger load…

  • Things to know about being a girl Mom:

    Things to know about being a girl Mom:

    So your raising a little girl? When I told that my first child was going to be a girl, I was thrilled. To be honest, a healthy baby and safe pregnancy is the most important, but I have always dreamed of having a little boy first. When I was told it was a girl, I…

  • House of Horrors (The Turpins)

    House of Horrors (The Turpins)

    Every now and then we hear of stories in the news that capture our hearts or learning of a new invention. Today, sadly, it is not the case for this story. Today, we are going to talk about the household or should I say “the house of horrors” with the Turpins. Their story is one…

  • What makes a great mom?

    What makes a great mom?

    Define “great mom”? What makes a good mother is different for everyone. One could define a good mother as being financially able to provide for their children. Other mothers would say being able to be emotionally available to their children. Some may say it is a balance between the two and more. Whatever the case…

  • 25 Best quotes about Motherhood

    25 Best quotes about Motherhood

    Motherhood is a blessing. Motherhood is full of ups and downs and such a roller coaster of a ride. One thing is to not forget that you are amazing so here are some of my favorite quotes regarding motherhood. Question: Moms, is there a quote you absolutely love? Is there one you want to add…